Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs RIP

"Steve was among the greatest of American innovators--brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it." - Obama

Steve, the great man, great Innovator. His visionary changed the world how to look the things...The man who brought revolution in world with most advanced technology. His vision was not just powerful, it was smart power.

I believe Steve is a person who knows what people want before even people realize what they need it.

You changed the world in terms of Technology, business, finance, animation.
You are the true inspiration to many who believe there dreams...

World might miss your presence but not your vision!!

May your iSoul rest in peace!!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

O Re Piya...Shankar Tucker

Ooh Damn, look at the modulation. That's a great song by Rohan Kymal.

Shankar Tucker is definitely the future of Indian classical music...Sir, U stole my heart!!

O Re Piyaaaaa....

Cedar Point Weekend

It was Cedar point weekend (10th Sept 2011).

Amusement parks are really fun. Each time I go there trust me, I step in with great fear! Most rides over there really scares me to death. People keep Screaming/ haunting/ shouting as if they are gonna die the next second.

Especially some roller coaster's that initially takes you to heights veryyyy slowly, they make the most annoying sounds (Tak...Tak.. kirrr, kirrrrr..) from all it's mechanical parts. My heart BMP goes high with each tak tak till it reaches to it's max!! I start holding my seat very tightly even though i knew that i have a complete protection around me (just to make sure i have a EXTRA safety).
Then, You know what runs in my mind for the next few seconds?

"God damn, Final destination 3 roller coaster seen!! what if something goes wrong! who will take responsibility? are we insured? do they at least send our bodies to our parents? are we screwing our own life with these stupid acts!!! tak tak tak takkkkkkkkkkk.......!!"
After a next crazy minute.....

Hear you go, Landed safely!
So, How was your ride? OOOOOhhhhhoooooo

Well, Get ready for the next ride (Repeat reading from paragraph 3 till all the rides are completed!!)


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Eco Friendly Ganesh Maharaj

         Being in this modern world, where technology is driving us crazy surprising us each day with advanced gadgets, software's, living and infrastructure, we most people in this world still believe/trust in God.

        Here is the Eco Friendly Ganesh Maharaj Idol that i made for this Ganesh Festival on 1st Sept 2011 with (Guess what ?) .....................Chepathi Dough :)
It took just 10mins to do this and i am very happy that didn't get idol when i went to purchase one in store.

Jai Bolo Ganesh Maharaj ki... Jaii...


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

HP Touchpad experience

        Being a worst gambler I hardly won anything ever in any casino. I always try my luck not to loose any and to my surprise last month I won $600 for the 1st time. All this free money I wanted to spend on iPad2!

        Later I decided to get a Mac Air adding few more bucks holding my iPad dreams a side. To my surprise, within a month HP announced a bad news but a good news for me saying they are liquidizing their touchpad's and selling at $99. Was really amazed and searched for online deals. Placed online order and to my great luck, it got cancelled within 3 days!!

        Next day, I heard someone got it in Store and I rushed to nearby Electronic store to check if they got some in stock. The sales guy stared very weirdly at me and i understand he must have been tired of the saying the same answer more than a thousand times the same day. I felt his pain in his answer 'NO'. I didn't want to bother him much and walked out. Then next day, One of friends got at other store, Then I stepped into that store. When i asked about the touch pad, Same negative response with mixed weird reactions in his face. 

        I was hurt by the salesman response at store, and at that moment i seriously decided "if i ever step back into any store i will look for sales woman first!!" ;)

As my iPad Dream remained still a dream! I felt it's just a luck Sale! Whoever owned it, Have a good time with your HP touch pad.

Will see you soon with iPad 3 :)


Monday, August 22, 2011

Corruption kills development

        I would like to start My first blog post with a great person of today, an Old man who brought revolution with his Young Spirits in history of Indian Corrupt politics: Anna Hazare

        As i grew up in India, two major things that always caught my attention is Reservations and Corruption. Corruption spreading like a wild fire in every corner.
        Whether it is a office peon or public servant. I saw most people craving for easy money(Bribe). Bribes in every place, Bribe for every work. It's being hard to name a place where you don't see any corruption: You want to start a Business, Construct a House? Need a admission in School/College? Want a justice in your favor? Need a Birth/Marriage/Death Certificate? Passport? PAN? Ration Card? Corruption everywhere! These might be few thing which a common man faces everyday. Apart from these, Several Huge scams like 2G, CWG, Bofors, Stamp Papers...which ultimately favored few politicians and bought billions of dollars loss to government (Tax payer's Money).

        Anna Hazare, The great man who served Indian Army and dedicated his entire life for goodwill of India started a revolution with Lok Pal Bill, an Anti Corruption Law. I admire and completely support Anna. The revolution started with One Step but caught attention and support from every single Indian who care for their country, Who care for the generation next.

It's time for change!

While kids, my Parents might have studied "India is a developing Country".
When I was a kid, I remember studying "India is a developing Country".
At least, I want my Kids to study it as "INDIA is a developed Country!!"

Corruption kills development!!
All we need is good Politicians and corruption free INDIA!!

-Jai Hind!