Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cedar Point Weekend

It was Cedar point weekend (10th Sept 2011).

Amusement parks are really fun. Each time I go there trust me, I step in with great fear! Most rides over there really scares me to death. People keep Screaming/ haunting/ shouting as if they are gonna die the next second.

Especially some roller coaster's that initially takes you to heights veryyyy slowly, they make the most annoying sounds (Tak...Tak.. kirrr, kirrrrr..) from all it's mechanical parts. My heart BMP goes high with each tak tak till it reaches to it's max!! I start holding my seat very tightly even though i knew that i have a complete protection around me (just to make sure i have a EXTRA safety).
Then, You know what runs in my mind for the next few seconds?

"God damn, Final destination 3 roller coaster seen!! what if something goes wrong! who will take responsibility? are we insured? do they at least send our bodies to our parents? are we screwing our own life with these stupid acts!!! tak tak tak takkkkkkkkkkk.......!!"
After a next crazy minute.....

Hear you go, Landed safely!
So, How was your ride? OOOOOhhhhhoooooo

Well, Get ready for the next ride (Repeat reading from paragraph 3 till all the rides are completed!!)


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