Wednesday, August 31, 2011

HP Touchpad experience

        Being a worst gambler I hardly won anything ever in any casino. I always try my luck not to loose any and to my surprise last month I won $600 for the 1st time. All this free money I wanted to spend on iPad2!

        Later I decided to get a Mac Air adding few more bucks holding my iPad dreams a side. To my surprise, within a month HP announced a bad news but a good news for me saying they are liquidizing their touchpad's and selling at $99. Was really amazed and searched for online deals. Placed online order and to my great luck, it got cancelled within 3 days!!

        Next day, I heard someone got it in Store and I rushed to nearby Electronic store to check if they got some in stock. The sales guy stared very weirdly at me and i understand he must have been tired of the saying the same answer more than a thousand times the same day. I felt his pain in his answer 'NO'. I didn't want to bother him much and walked out. Then next day, One of friends got at other store, Then I stepped into that store. When i asked about the touch pad, Same negative response with mixed weird reactions in his face. 

        I was hurt by the salesman response at store, and at that moment i seriously decided "if i ever step back into any store i will look for sales woman first!!" ;)

As my iPad Dream remained still a dream! I felt it's just a luck Sale! Whoever owned it, Have a good time with your HP touch pad.

Will see you soon with iPad 3 :)


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